Inverto 40mm Showdown: Ku-Band Signal Testing on DD Free Dish with Universal LNB Comparison

When comparing different LNBs (Low Noise Block converters) for satellite reception, it’s important to consider factors such as the type of LNB, its specifications, and the specific satellite you’re aiming to receive signals from. In your case, you mentioned testing the 40mm Inverto LNB versus a Universal LNB for Ku-band signals on the DD Free Dish satellite at 93°E.

Inverto 40mm Showdown: Ku-Band Signal Testing on DD Free Dish with Universal LNB Comparison

Here are some general considerations:

LNB Type:

The 40mm Inverto LNB is a specific brand and model, while the Universal LNB is a category that covers a wide range of LNBs designed to receive signals from different frequency bands.

Ensure that the Universal LNB you’re comparing is suitable for Ku-band reception.

Frequency Range:

Ku-band generally covers the frequency range of 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz. Confirm that both LNBs support this frequency range.

Noise Figure:

The lower the noise figure, the better the LNB’s performance. Inverto LNBs are known for their low noise figures, which can contribute to better signal reception.


Higher gain can also contribute to better signal reception. Check the gain specifications of both LNBs.

Weather Resistance:

Consider the weather conditions in your location. Some LNBs are designed to perform well in adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain.

Installation and Alignment:

Ensure that both LNBs are properly installed and aligned to the satellite. A slight misalignment can significantly affect signal strength.

Cable Quality:

The quality of the coaxial cable used can impact signal strength. Ensure that you are using good-quality cables with proper connectors.


When conducting live signal testing, observe signal strength, signal quality, and BER (Bit Error Rate) on your satellite receiver. Compare the performance of both LNBs under different weather conditions.

It’s important to note that signal strength can be influenced by various factors, and the performance of an LNB may vary based on the specific satellite and geographical location. Conducting on-site tests and considering user reviews for specific LNB models can provide valuable insights into their real-world performance.

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