There is no light in my set top box is it the problem of the STB or the TV how to correct it

There is no light in my set top box is it the problem of the STB or the TV how to correct it

There is no light in my set top box is it the problem of the STB or the TV how to correct it

There is no light in my set top box is it the problem of the STB or the TV how to correct it

If there is a problem of light in your setup box, that is, the light is not burning on the display of your setup box, then it is not the problem of your TV. This problem belongs to your set top box. At the same time, if your power cable is disconnected or your power supply is bad, then this problem is seen, if you want to get rid of this problem, then you should use the setup box of good company if you have good company Setup box.

First of all, check the wire in your setup box, if the wire is disconnected from somewhere, then repair it by removing the plug from the main power, if this problem is not solved, then show it to the nearest electronic shop and since then your problem It means that you have set the top box ko sahi and since then this problem is coming, then my opinion to you is that you change the setup box because today the set box becomes old, then all the parts become old. If one parts goes bad, we get it replaced by another, then the other parts get spoiled, then if we have an old box, then we will keep doing it, 

then how will the work be done, you will get a lot more money then it will be better If you buy and install new setup box, 


the question was whether it is a TV problem, then TV is also a problem. When we put the setup box on top of the TV, the gais that comes out of the television is the parts of our set top box. So that you don’t put your box on top of the TV

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