DD Free Dish Slots e-auction
Platform for the period from 16.08.2021 to 31.03.2022 through 54h
on line e-auction process.
guidelines for allotment of DD Free Dish slots, notified on 15.01.2019 and as amended vide
amendment notified on 01.11.2019 which are available on the on the websites,
https://prasarbharati.gov.in. 54th e-auction, if required, will be held on 09.08.2021 after noon.
slots on DD Free Dish. Only license holder company or their authorized distributor partners can
apply for allocation of DD Free Dish slot.
license Holder Company and Applicant Company authorizing the applicant/bidder for distribution
of the channel and bidding on behalf of the licensee must be submitted.
participate in e-auction.
and their starting reserve price for the allotment period will be as below:
Bucket Genre/language of channel Pro-rata starting reserve price
(16.08.2021 to 31.03.2022
& Current Affairs (English) and News &
Current Affairs (Punjabi) Channels
Bucket A+ All GEC (Hindi) Channels 10,35,84,000/-
Bucket A All Movie (Hindi) Channels 8,38,09,000/-
Bucket B All Music (Hindi) Channels, Sports (Hindi)
Channels, GEC (Bhojpuri), Movies (Bhojpuri)
and Teleshopping (Hindi) channels
Bucket D – All other remaining Genre (Language) Channels
and Teleshopping (Regional) channels
7. The auction will be Bucket-wise starting with bucket having highest reserve price i.e from Bucket
C and will progressively go down in the order of reserve price, as given in table above, subject to
availability of slot.
8. Broadcasters desirous of allotment of slot on DD Free Dish are required to provide clear and
unambiguous proof in support of genre classification of their channel. In case of lack of clarity,
ambiguity or conflicting information, applications will be deemed ineligible and may be
summarily rejected. For details please refer checklist of documents provided with the application
9. Successful bidders shall be required to make the payments in 06 monthly installments as per
payment schedule prescribed under clause (5) of the policy guidelines for allotment of DD Free
Dish slots. Each installment will be 1/6th of difference of bid amount and participation fee.